

Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The command to execute (eg "x64").
Reference to the current database.
The path to the database directory (eg "/home/USER/.jgamebase/C64lite").
Reference to the current emulator.
The configuration file of the emulator (eg "/home/USER/.jgamebase/C64lite/Scripts/vice.ini").
The path to the emulator script or executable (eg "/home/USER/.jgamebase/C64lite/Scripts").
The file to be run (eg "/tmp/jgamebase/3DGLOOPR.T64").
Reference to the current game.
The index of the file to be started on the supplied image (eg used to start the second file in the image).
The name of the image.
The name of the image in the native character set.
true if the first image can be booted, false otherwise.
true if the item is a Game, false if the item is a piece of Music.
true if the operating system is Microsoft Windows, false otherwise.
Whether the item works on a NTSC system.
Whether the item works on a PAL system.
Whether the item needs true drive emulation (no fast loader).
Reference to the current item.
The comment of the item (if any).
How the item is controlled (eg "Keyboard", or "Joystick Port 2").
The filename (no path) of the item (eg "3DGLOOPR.T64").
The file extension (no filename) of the item (eg "t64").
The filename (no file extension) of the item (eg "3DGLOOPR").
<Array of String>  
The filenames (no paths) of the items.
<Array of String>  
The file extensions (no filenames) of the items.
<Array of String>  
The filenames (no file extensions) of the items.
The name of the item (eg "3-D Glooper").
If the item needs NTSC or PAL (eg "PAL", or "PAL+NTSC").
The path (no filename) of the item (eg "/tmp/jgamebase").
Path and filename of the item (eg "/tmp/jgamebase/3DGLOOPR.T64").
<Array of String>  
The paths (no filenames) of the items.
<Array of String>  
Paths and filenames of the items.
The maximum number of players that can play the item simultanously.
The minimum number of players that can play the item simultanously.
The type (equals the file extension) of the item (eg "t64").
The version comment of the item (eg "load manually", or "not working").
<constant> <String>  
The String "Joystick Port 1" for comparison with variable itemControl.
<constant> <String>  
The String "Joystick Port 2" for comparison with variable itemControl.
<constant> <String>  
The String "Keyboard" for comparison with variable itemControl.
<constant> <String>  
The String "Koala Pad" for comparison with variable itemControl.
<constant> <String>  
The String "Light Gun" for comparison with variable itemControl.
<constant> <String>  
The String "Light Pen" for comparison with variable itemControl.
The line separator as read from System.getProperty("line.separator").
<constant> <String>  
The String "Mouse" for comparison with variable itemControl.
Reference to the current music.
<constant> <String>  
The String "This type is not supported by this emulator!" for use with Show_Message().
<constant> <String>  
The String "NTSC" for comparison with variable itemPalNtsc.
The name of the operating system as read from System.getProperty("").
<constant> <String>  
The String "Paddle Port 1" for comparison with variable itemControl.
<constant> <String>  
The String "Paddle Port 2" for comparison with variable itemControl.
<constant> <String>  
The String "PAL" for comparison with variable itemPalNtsc.
<constant> <String>  
The String "PAL+NTSC" for comparison with variable itemPalNtsc.
<constant> <String>  
The String "PAL(+NTSC?)" for comparison with variable itemPalNtsc.
The system-dependent default name-separator character.
Whether real joysticks are to be used (instead of eg keyboard).
The path to the work directory where GameBase extracts and runs files (eg "/tmp/jgamebase").
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Add parameters to the command line (CLP = Command Line Parameters).
Clear all Command Line Parameters.
Print all variables (for debug purposes).
Search command in the operating system search path and (last) in the database script directory.
Search command in the operating system search path and (last) in the database script directory.
Search rom (single filename or array of possible filenames) in the database "ROMs" directory (ignoring case).
An alias for Run_GameEmulator().
Run the game emulator (stored in the variable "command") with the parameters (stored in the array "commandline") by calling Java "Emulators.executeGame(commandline)".
Run the music emulator (stored in the variable "command") with the parameters (stored in the array "commandline") by calling Java "Emulators.executeMusic(commandline)".
Set_CFG(filename, key)
Clears a value in a configuration file.
Set_CFG_Item(filename, key, delimiter, value)
Sets a value in a configuration file.
Set_CFG_Value(filename, key, value)
Sets a value in a configuration file.
Set_INI_Value(filename, section, key, value)
Sets a value in an windows style ".ini" configuration file.
Displays a dialog with a message for the user.
Get the value of an user defined "KEY=VALUE" pair set in the database.
Field Detail
{String} command
The command to execute (eg "x64"). Must be set in the script, otherwise calls to Run_Emulator() will fail.

{jgamebase.model.Database} Database
Reference to the current database.

{String} dbPath
The path to the database directory (eg "/home/USER/.jgamebase/C64lite").

{jgamebase.model.Emulator} Emulator
Reference to the current emulator.

{String} emulatorConfigFile
The configuration file of the emulator (eg "/home/USER/.jgamebase/C64lite/Scripts/vice.ini").

{String} emulatorPath
The path to the emulator script or executable (eg "/home/USER/.jgamebase/C64lite/Scripts").

{String} fileToRun
The file to be run (eg "/tmp/jgamebase/3DGLOOPR.T64").

{jgamebase.db.model.Game} Game
Reference to the current game.

{int} imageIndex
The index of the file to be started on the supplied image (eg used to start the second file in the image).

{String} imageName
The name of the image.

{String} imageNameNative
The name of the image in the native character set.

{boolean} isBootable
true if the first image can be booted, false otherwise.

{boolean} isGame
true if the item is a Game, false if the item is a piece of Music.

{boolean} isOsWindows
true if the operating system is Microsoft Windows, false otherwise.

{boolean} isRunsOnNtsc
Whether the item works on a NTSC system.

{boolean} isRunsOnPal
Whether the item works on a PAL system.

{boolean} isRunsOnTrueDrive
Whether the item needs true drive emulation (no fast loader).

{jgamebase.db.model.Item} Item
Reference to the current item.

{String} itemComment
The comment of the item (if any).

{String} itemControl
How the item is controlled (eg "Keyboard", or "Joystick Port 2").

{String} itemFile
The filename (no path) of the item (eg "3DGLOOPR.T64").

{String} itemFileExt
The file extension (no filename) of the item (eg "t64").

{String} itemFileNoExt
The filename (no file extension) of the item (eg "3DGLOOPR").

{Array of String} itemFiles
The filenames (no paths) of the items.

{Array of String} itemFilesExt
The file extensions (no filenames) of the items.

{Array of String} itemFilesNoExt
The filenames (no file extensions) of the items.

{String} itemName
The name of the item (eg "3-D Glooper").

{String} itemPalNtsc
If the item needs NTSC or PAL (eg "PAL", or "PAL+NTSC").

{String} itemPath
The path (no filename) of the item (eg "/tmp/jgamebase").

{String} itemPathAndFile
Path and filename of the item (eg "/tmp/jgamebase/3DGLOOPR.T64").

{Array of String} itemPaths
The paths (no filenames) of the items.

{Array of String} itemPathsAndFiles
Paths and filenames of the items.

{int} itemPlayersMax
The maximum number of players that can play the item simultanously.

{int} itemPlayersMin
The minimum number of players that can play the item simultanously.

{String} itemType
The type (equals the file extension) of the item (eg "t64").

{String} itemVersionComment
The version comment of the item (eg "load manually", or "not working").

<constant> {String} JOYPORT1
The String "Joystick Port 1" for comparison with variable itemControl.

<constant> {String} JOYPORT2
The String "Joystick Port 2" for comparison with variable itemControl.

<constant> {String} KEYBOARD
The String "Keyboard" for comparison with variable itemControl.

<constant> {String} KOALAPAD
The String "Koala Pad" for comparison with variable itemControl.

<constant> {String} LIGHTGUN
The String "Light Gun" for comparison with variable itemControl.

<constant> {String} LIGHTPEN
The String "Light Pen" for comparison with variable itemControl.

{String} lineSeparator
The line separator as read from System.getProperty("line.separator").

<constant> {String} MOUSE
The String "Mouse" for comparison with variable itemControl.

{jgamebase.db.model.Music} Music
Reference to the current music.

<constant> {String} NOT_SUPPORTED
The String "This type is not supported by this emulator!" for use with Show_Message().

<constant> {String} NTSC
The String "NTSC" for comparison with variable itemPalNtsc.

{String} osName
The name of the operating system as read from System.getProperty("").

<constant> {String} PADDLEPORT1
The String "Paddle Port 1" for comparison with variable itemControl.

<constant> {String} PADDLEPORT2
The String "Paddle Port 2" for comparison with variable itemControl.

<constant> {String} PAL
The String "PAL" for comparison with variable itemPalNtsc.

<constant> {String} PALNTSC
The String "PAL+NTSC" for comparison with variable itemPalNtsc.

<constant> {String} PALntsc
The String "PAL(+NTSC?)" for comparison with variable itemPalNtsc.

{String} separator
The system-dependent default name-separator character. On UNIX systems the value of this field is '/'; on Microsoft Windows systems it is '\'.

{boolean} useHardwareJoystick
Whether real joysticks are to be used (instead of eg keyboard).

{String} workPath
The path to the work directory where GameBase extracts and runs files (eg "/tmp/jgamebase").
Method Detail
Add parameters to the command line (CLP = Command Line Parameters).
the values to add

Clear all Command Line Parameters.

Print all variables (for debug purposes).

{boolean} existsInPath(needle)
Search command in the operating system search path and (last) in the database script directory.
{String} needle
true if the command is found, false otherwise.

{String} findInPath(needle)
Search command in the operating system search path and (last) in the database script directory.
{String} needle
The absolute path to the command, or "" (empty String) otherwise.

{String} findRom(needle)
Search rom (single filename or array of possible filenames) in the database "ROMs" directory (ignoring case).
{String} needle
The absolute path to the rom, or "" (empty String) otherwise.

An alias for Run_GameEmulator().

Run the game emulator (stored in the variable "command") with the parameters (stored in the array "commandline") by calling Java "Emulators.executeGame(commandline)".

Run the music emulator (stored in the variable "command") with the parameters (stored in the array "commandline") by calling Java "Emulators.executeMusic(commandline)".

Set_CFG(filename, key)
Clears a value in a configuration file.

Shortcut for Set_CFG_Item(filename, key, "", "").

{String or File} filename
The filename or File that describes the configuration file.
{String} key
The parameter to set.

Set_CFG_Item(filename, key, delimiter, value)
Sets a value in a configuration file. The file will be searched for a line starting with key and this line will be replaced by key + delimiter + value. (eg key = "useJoystick", delimiter = "=", value = "true": will lead to the line "useJoystick=true")
{String or File} filename
The filename or File that describes the configuration file.
{String} key
The parameter to set.
{String} delimiter
The String between key and value.
The value the parameter will be set to.

Set_CFG_Value(filename, key, value)
Sets a value in a configuration file.

Shortcut for Set_CFG_Item(filename, key, "=", value).

{String or File} filename
The filename or File that describes the configuration file.
{String} key
The parameter to set.
The value the parameter will be set to.

Set_INI_Value(filename, section, key, value)
Sets a value in an windows style ".ini" configuration file. The file will be searched for the section and the section will be searched for a line starting with key. This line will be replaced by key + "=" + value.
{String or File} filename
The filename or File that describes the configuration file.
{String} section
The name of the section in the ini file (started through a "[section]" line).
{String} key
The parameter to set.
The value the parameter will be set to.

Displays a dialog with a message for the user.
{String} message
The message to display.

{String} Value(key)
Get the value of an user defined "KEY=VALUE" pair set in the database.

E.g. to display the value of the user defined variable "msg" only if it is set:

if (Value("msg").contains("*")) {
  Show_Message( Value("msg") );
{String} key
The key to get the value of.
{String} The value of the given key, or "" (empty String) if not set.